
The rising concern of skin allergy due to face masks | COVID – 19
During this COVID-19 situation, where wearing a face mask has become obligatory, many people are facing difficulty wearing the mask. Many are allergic to wearing it for a prolonged period.

Runner’s Knee – How to get rid of the pain?
Runner’s knee or Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common condition experienced by many runners at some point in their training. The pain mostly occurs when the patella or the knee…

What are the risks of delaying joint replacement knee surgery
When we accidentally cut or burn our skin, the first thing we do is run for an ointment. Delaying the first aid is never an option to ease your suffering. Likewise, when we are suffering internally…

How to deal with the post-op symptoms of total knee replacement
Owing to the rapid innovations and research in the orthopedic field of surgery, total knee replacement (TKR) surgeries have become less complicated and more beneficial to patients with arthritis…

9 expert tips for optimal skin care in 2020
As we restart our routine life with high alertness and precaution after this COVID-19 lockdown, some of us may plan a nice-and-long trip somewhere to shake off the lockdown vibes while others…

5 Dermatologist – Approved ways to regrow hair
Hair loss or hair thinning is the worst nightmare for both men and women. It severely impacts their self-confidence and self-esteem. The good news is,

5 Essential running tips to prevent foot, ankle & heel injuries
According to a clinical survey, most of the foot and ankle injuries occur while running. Be it your early morning jog or sports practice; we

2 Essential methods for treating pattern hair loss
Androgenic Alopecia, as we generally know it, Pattern hair loss condition, is the most common hair loss condition people suffer from. And as in maximum

Undergoing a spine fusion surgery – Recovery & Risks
Spine fusion is often considered ‘the last resort to save a spine’. After confirming that no other conventional treatments could benefit your spine, your spine