Scars Removal Treatments in PCMC

Scars are a little bit of concern if its location can’t be concealed. But, if you are struggling with a scar of previous injury, trauma, or surgery that is visible on the skin you cannot hide, then it’s time to act on it. Alpha Hospital has helped many patients get rid of scars and attain seamless, bright, and confident skin.
Types of Scars
There are several types of scar which includes:
- Keloid Scars : Such kind of scar occurs due to an overly healing process that goes beyond a typical injury.
- Contracture Scars : This type of scar is a result of skin burning injury where the muscles and nerves are affected and deteriorate the skin’s ability to move.
- Hypertrophic Scars : Such type of scars is raised red scars similar to Keloid scars but do not go beyond the injury boundary.
- Acne Scars : If you ever suffered from acne then there are chances you have scars to prove them.
Treatment for Scars
The fact about scars is it will never completely go away. However, many advanced treatment methods can help reduce its size and appearance. Some of the significant scar treatments we provide are:
- Deeper Peels / resurfacing peels/ MDA/ diamond tip skin polishing
- Dermapen With Mesotheraphy : a newer technique replacing traditional Derma
- Lasers :
- Co2 lasers : is the gold standard treatment for scar reduction . It has a down time of 5-7 days during which the scared skin exfoliates giving a tighter and scarless skin
- Micro needle Radio frequency (MNRF) & Microelectrode Radio frequency lasers : Are the most advanced and newer technology lasers for resurfacing and scar reduction available at Alpha hospital. These techniques have lesser down time of 2-3 days only . This can be combined with peels and PRP treatment to give faster and better treatment.
- PRR treatment : is one of the latest and high yield method of treating the scars and anti-ageing treatment. In this patients blood is taken around 6-8 ml and processed to yield ‘Platelet rich plasma’ which is injected under the scars or introduced under skin by no needle meso therapy to give you a scarless , smooth and tighter skin. Here the platelets repair the dead skin of the scars and produces collagen under skin which keep on rejuvenating the skin.
- Surgical procedure : This includes skin graft, scar excision, scar revision
- Dermal Filler treatment for pitted scars
Before you consider any scar treatment, make sure to consult our expert medical team at Alpha super speciality hospital. We help our patients understand each treatment procedure, risks, and results to provide them with the opportunity of decision making.