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Get rid of oily skin at home

While there are a lot of nightmares like getting robbed, breaking our phones, or losing all of our money, oily skin is worst in all of them. If it is in moderation, no doubt you will get that amazing glow, but extra oily skin can result in acne, spot and unwanted skin problems. An individual gets oily skin due to overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands which are located under the skin surface. Sebum production is dependent on factors like genetics, hormone changes, and even stress. So, when you start witnessing any repercussions of your skin type, it is essential to take oily skin treatment from the experts. 

There are tons of dermatologists around the city, but Alpha Hospital is the most reliable skin specialist hospital in Pune. So today, in this blog post, we will share with you our knowledge about oily skin and what you can do reduce its effect.

For those who have oily skin but in minimum can go for the home remedies that assure 100% result and least chance of any ugly reaction. So, if you fall under this category, consider following home remedies.

Wash Your Face Frequently

As obvious as it seems, a lot of people do not find it essential to wash your face regularly. Generally, it is suggested to wash your face with soap at least twice a day. So, you can follow this and consider splashing plain cold water on your face maximum times throughout the day. We promise your skin will feel cleaner and much better.

Aloe Vera

 No amount of praises can justify the benefits Aloe Vera brings to our body. All you have to do is take a slice of Aloe Vera, cut it, and scoop out the pulp. Apply it on a clean face and leave it for 10 mins. Do this thrice a week, and you will see how your skin feels.


We have known that lemon is a natural bleaching agent that lightens the skin and black spots. But not all of us know that they contain acid which absorbs the oil from the skin. To apply this method – cut a lemon into half, squeeze the juice out and apply it on your face with cotton. Leave for 10 mins and rinse it off with warm or cold water.

If you have tried this homemade oily skin treatment and still find acne popping or your foundation melting away after a couple of hours of applying, then you need to visit us, the skin specialists in Pune.

We have treated the number of patients with their oily skin and helped them gain a more precise surface. We use our expertise to suggest the appropriate products for your skin, the kind of diet it needs, and the medication. To know more about our treatments, you can visit our site or give us a call. We will assist you with all your queries.

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