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3 simple yet effective ways to prepare for a knee replacement surgery

A total knee replacement is generally recommended when alternative knee treatment fail to offer relief and improve the condition of your knee. Once your orthopaedic assesses your condition and gives the green signal for a knee replacement surgery, there are a few things you should bear in mind. It is crucial to prepare yourself before the big day to ensure that the procedure is carried out efficiently and successfully.

This blog will highlight a few points that will significantly help you gear up for the knee replacement procedure. Alpha Hospital is one of the leading centres for knee replacement surgery in Wakad. Our orthopaedic experts have offered their two cents on how one can prepare themselves before a knee replacement surgery.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

• Clear Your Doubts

Prior to the surgery, it is very common for patients to have several doubts and queries regarding the procedure. Some of the most frequently asked questions include What is the estimated time taken to perform the surgery? When will I be discharged? What type of anaesthesia will I be given? When can I start walking again? It is crucial to clear your doubts before the procedure to ensure you are in the right frame of mind. Our team of expert orthopaedic doctors in Wakad will address all your doubts.

• Make Right Arrangements at Home

One of the most vital aspects of the entire process of preparing yourself before the surgery is to ensure you have made the right arrangements at home. Ensure you make the required arrangements that will enable you to move around easily using crutches or a cane.

It is also important to understand that if you have to travel in the car, you will need someone to help you get in and out for at least a couple of weeks after the surgery.

Post-surgery, our team will offer you a list of instructions to ensure your recovery is smooth. It is critical to follow the guidelines and set of instructions given to you to ensure your recovery is on the right path. Make a list of these instructions and follow the same religiously.

Alpha Hospital is one of the most trusted and renowned hospitals for Knee replacement surgery in Wakad. With years of experience under their belt, our team of experts uses their expertise to provide the best treatment to our patients. Schedule an appointment with us today to know more!

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